Dinner Book Movie & Waffle

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Dinner Book Movie & Waffle

Last Friday evening I was invited to dinner at a friend of a friend's house. It was lovely.....rather perfect actually. The food was excellent. The salad was made from vegetables the host, Liz grows in her own garden and it might had been the best salad I have ever had, including the home made salad dressing. After dinner I sat outside in the garden sipping on a cup of hot Earl Grey that tasted wonderful while enjoying conversation and getting warmed up by this fireplace.

It was one of the nicest home I have been to. And the company was great. I love being around civilized people discussing a wide range of topics.
I have also fished this book by Fredrik Backman (a Swedish author) Britt-Marie Was Here the second novel I've read by him.
Now I need a new book to read!

And the other day me, Drinda and Deborah (my new friends) went and saw Tarzan. A love story with a shirtless Alexander Skarsgård in it....another Swede. I love love stories!

And i just finished my latest obsession, this yummy waffle and latte. I think I will need to come back tomorrow for more!

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  1. Annette on :

    I am so happy you found some new friends... You have a lot to contribute!
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    I can't be friends with people that accuse me of things that are not true and that harshly judge me without knowing anything about my character. These are not my friends it turned out.
    But that is OK.
    I'm glad WE are friends Annette!
  3. Cindy on :

    Wow...I love how you are spending your time. Such good quality time for the soul it sounds like! I am happy for you.
  4. TATIANA Post author on :

    Yes.....all that mentioned, a book, a movie, time with good company and something delicious to eat - all good for the soul.

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