Old Diary

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Old Diary

I came across an old diary from 2005 today, so I sat down and looked through it. Kind of bittersweet to look through old diaries I quickly realized. I had a rather exhausting 2005 it seems like. Lots happened. Some bad stuff. I actually had many more diaries like this one,
I was getting the Country Diaries back then because I really liked their style and I filled them with writing about my days, feelings/thoughts and stuffed them with scrap stuff like movie and concert tickets etc. Like in this one from 2005 I found a memento from an old Vegas club (Utopia), STILL revered as the best club Vegas ever had by many, including me. But my old diaries, except this one, disappeared when my storage unit got burglarized. That was not a fun time. UGH. I wish I would had done a few things differently that year, 2005, eliminated some people from my life that were no good for me but hindsight is always 20/20.
I had a very interesting and insightful conversation with a super cool person last night about life, astrology and people's birth signs. Now I am a Capricorn and I am not super into astrology and I think that it should be taken with a big heap of salt. I have a a couple of girlfriends that are way into star signs, compatibility amongst the signs and the traits of each sign. I think that you can find traits that describe you in every sign, we are close to seven billion people or so on the planet after all. I don't think we can be compartmentalized into
12 zodiac signs.
But OF COURSE I think I possess the following Capricorn descriptions to a T. ;-)

"Its easy to recognize a capricorn woman - if you know her from a long time you will see the changes in her appearance, when she is young, she looks more matured and older compared to the other children her age, but as and when the years catch up with her she gets more beautiful, looks young and fresh.... she is the kind of beauty which does not require cosmetics, it enhances over the period of time. The long lasting natural beauty is that of a capricorn woman.
She is quick, intelligent, smart and a nature lover (although there are always exceptions). Does not believe in pretence and formalities. She accepts you just the way you are. Talks to the point. Likes to get at the heart of the matter instead of going around in circles.
Very emotional and sentimental. A "good doer" of the community but never expects anything in return, but when she asks for help (that is also in dire circumstances) and is not heard she is very hurt.
A music lover, deep thinker and an avid reader is our dear capricorn darling. Has a liberal, practical and a realistic approach towards life. Believes in equality and expects as much as she gives. Due to the high emotional and sentimental ingredients in her character you will find a lot of writers to be ruled by the saturn planet.
This Goat has electic characteristics. Beauty, Brains and Selflessness is to be found always in a capricorn woman.
A man is lucky to get a capricorn as a partner."

WOW! That is SO me! LOL. I should add some more to that....I am very loyal and also generous.
Of course I think this can be just as fitting for a person born in for example July but I know my astrology friends would disagree.
Anyhow, the person I talked to yesterday about start signs etc was a Scorpio and told me that there are two kinds of Scorpios. The positive one that is evolved, very sensitive, feels deeply and rises like a Phoenix and the other kind that is negative as in manipulative, resentful, vengeful, secretive and jealous.
Quite interesting because a friend of mine that I used to be close to is a Scorpio......and I always felt those negative traits coming from her, good ones too but the negative always took over. Unfortunately. And it became too much....
But the diplomat in me needs to add here that those negative traits can be found in people that are not Scorpios as well. Just to be fair.
Well, I think I might take a bath now and take extra care of my feet and skin tonight. I tried an extraction tool the other day and it worked really well. I had a facial a long time ago when the esthetician used a tool for the extractions and I had bright red marks all over my face for several days afterwards. That made me never want a facial again where a tool for extracting was used but then I got one myself a while back cause I thought.....why not? And it works, no red marks either. I think the key is to be gentle and prepare the skin for it first by softening it up with a good wash and maybe a scrub too.

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  1. Brandon on :

    Karma is one word to summarize the notion that a person who does nice things in their life will be subject to have similar niceness come looking for them. Vice versa = the same person who is doing traditionally bad things throughout their life will in turn be met with bad luck. Nobody's either all wrong or all right though and even the nicest person is bound to be less than nice at times and when inevitably some lesser than nice incidents occur in the nicely pleasant life of the nicest person the term "karma" is sure to be spoken of. The trendy and new-age karmic scene translates directly into one of the basic laws of physics - "what goes up must come down".........
    Funny how society found a way to market that age old academic topic to the masses of coffee shop yuppie types who consider karma to be a unique way of life - something that you can either believe in or not ( like religion?? ).......
    Misery loves company because you are going to get what you give and these things are what I enjoy calling the facts of life.
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    What goes up must come down. Life then death. We are born then we die. In between the two.....life.
    Since Prince recently passed, I will quote him here,

    "Dearly beloved
    We are gathered here today
    To get through this thing called life

    Electric word life
    It means forever and that's a mighty long time
    But I'm here to tell you
    There's something else
    The after world

    A world of never ending happiness
    You can always see the sun, day or night

    So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
    You know the one, Dr. Everything'll Be Alright
    Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
    Ask him how much of your mind, baby

    'Cause in this life
    Things are much harder than in the after world
    In this life
    You're on your own"

    Do you think Prince is in the after world now, enjoying never ending happiness......?
    I sure hope so.
  3. Brandon on :

    hi Tatiana,
    I have been learning more about "karma" and its origins and the ties to reincarnation.
    Many theories and I must say that I am happy to have learned some new information about something I considered myself to be a semi-authority on.
    Prince's "after world" I always took as a biblical reference to the "paradise" earth that the bible implies will be a reality when God finally gets rid of all of the evil and corruption and sin ruling the earth we live on today.
    Common misconception is that upon death we are looking at heaven or hell......according to the bible this is not the case......really the bible says that God at some point will restore earth to how it was intended....a place with no criminals or evil and bad people.
    Somewhere for good people to live forever with other good people.
    Animals and humans living together in harmony.....
    We would all be vegetarians and no animals would ever die.
    Sounds nice......this is all in the bible.
    Heaven being reserved for a specific number of people who would become angels or saints of some kind.
    "The meek shall inherit the earth" is a popular scripture from the bible, referring to the time when God removes the evil from the world we live in.
    Amazingly, the bible also states that God will decide who is going to stay and live on his paradise earth despite what religion or lack thereof a person identifies with.
    This negates what some religions teach, that anyone who believes something else will not be going to heaven.
    Its amazing to me how people in general seem to repeat misinformation rather than consulting the direct source of the confusion.......

    I like reading your essays or thoughts on deeper subjects, you are clearly very smart Tatiana.
    I think you will find a place for your voice , if not here in this blog you should continue writing maybe a "burning man blog"? A year long forum about burning man and have people contribute to the project? I see a future in that for you, and you seem to be happiest when you write about this festival.
  4. TATIANA Post author on :

    What scares me about the Bible is that is says that only 144 000 will be saved. 144 000? I have not immersed myself in the Bible or studied it but that is a very small amount. And perhaps I have misinterpreted it wrong. Because I doubt that I will have a place in that 144 000. So what will happen with the rest of us then? We will be lost souls somewhere, suffering?
    This life and the not knowing what happens after with die scares me a lot.
    I do love the idea of living in harmony with animals.

    Burning Man - yes I love everything about it.
    Thank You for taking the time to read AND comment!

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