Already March

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Already March

Can you believe it is March already? Time flies and life goes on regardless of if you are happy or sad.....the days and years go by so fast it scares me. Carpe Diem they say and yeah......really Carpe Diem I guess, all that you can because everybody's days are accounted for no matter who you are.
So I spent most of yesterday outside.....exploring my neighborhood some more. Doing my best to seize the day you know.....

Drove the Red Rock scenic route.....I think it is a 13 mile loop, some fitness enthusiasts pedal it on bike. However you do it - it's beautiful.

Chhaya was with me of course!

I decided to go to Bonnie Springs Ranch since it's only a few miles away from Red Rock. I did not go into the zoo though, I have already done that once and it's a sad experience to see those miserable caged up animals. I still think about some of them years after I went there.

Bonnie Springs Ranch has many fun photo opportunities. If you go alone, just ask somebody to take a picture of you. I do that all the time. No dogs allowed in there, so Chhaya had to wait in the car, I parked in complete shade and she took a nap.

Later that evening in the park.....that same night we went to another park for a late night walk.

I actually saw a COMET (?) during this walk. Something lit up the sky in passing and it was not a shooting star. That "something" had a tail. I was quite amazed to see it.

Not sure yet what me and Chhaya will do today, we just had lunch but I think that we will have a good day.

  • Comments: 6
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  1. Lacy on :

    That comet was a sign of good things to come!
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    YES! My thought too!
  3. Lacy on :

    P.S. How do you find all these cool spots?? Bonnie Springs Ranch is adorable! No doggies?? Booooo!!! Lol! I've read all your blogs and some of the places you've gone to are so unique and fun. If Dave (my boyfriend) and I ever visit Vegas I'm making him take me!
  4. TATIANA Post author on :

    The Red Rock loop and Bonnie Springs Ranch are close to each other so those can be visited in one go.
    Hoover Dam and Nelson ghost town are also in the same area of each other and can be seen in one go.
    I've been to many cool spots in Nevada, many of them I went to prior to starting the blog.
    Most outdoors places around Vegas are not too enjoyable to visit in the summertime because of the scorching sun and heat.
  5. Isabella on :

    I have a question for you and that is - can you arrange for a possibly way for a person to leave pictures along with a comment? I would love to be able to show some images with comments in your comment section. Just a mere suggestion from a humble reader of this website referred to as a blog.
  6. TATIANA Post author on :, I do not think it is possible to upload a picture in the comments but you can send/type a link to the picture perhaps?

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