My fika.

Then we walked by another cafe and had to stop and get a chokladboll each.

While slowly walking back to the train I took pictures of stuff and myself.

Now I am full and tired, my eyes are closing down.....I think I need a quick shower and then it's bed time!
Mandy on :
Chokladballs...mmm mmm
TATIANA Post author on :
Oh yes....chokladbollar are very tasty....when I was a kid they were called negerbollar but not anymore.....
Mumintrollet on :
Have an "about me" link post on top.
Took a bit of reading for me to figure out why an
Alaskan girl traveled to Sweden for fika.
Have a "gallery" with all pictures collected and
categorized, they're a bit scattered now so it's hard
to browse through them.
And bigger pictures.
TATIANA Post author on :
I think I do need to categorize my entries, as in work, books&movies, travel, Chhaya etc but I haven't yet....maybe I will.
I'm OK with the picture sizes I think....
And I'm not an Alaskan girl....I'm a Swedish girl that lives in the US and I happen to live in Alaska for now but that might change in the future.
Thanks for your input though.....I appreciate it!
Mumintrollet on :
You write about more exotic and original stuff than "nail polish to feminism".
And I think most people that comes to your blog never even see the first page, they get straight to a post.
It's not just your model pictures I want larger, it looks like you put some thought into your other photos too with good composition.
Yes , I know you're a swede born in Poland living in US, I read your whole blog! But it took a lot of reading to figure that out, your personal "story" is too "hidden" in your blog.
TATIANA Post author on :
I will think about your suggestions.....when I am more focused, it's almost 5 am here and I'm jetlagged and starving.....lol.
Thanks though Mumintrollet!