Underground Ghost Tour
October 31 today - Halloween. I love Halloween - all the decorations and all the spooky scary stuff. No haunted houses for me this year (a bit disappointed over that) and back in the day my number one thing to do for Halloween was to go to a rave in Los Angeles called Monster Massive. Those were the days, anyhow......what a bittersweet feeling. I loooooved me some Monster Massive. Read up on it on Wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_Massive
So.....let me tell you about what I did a couple of days ago. I took an underground ghost tour. Here in Astoria Oregon, there is an Astoria on the East Coast too, it is a neighborhood in Queens.
Years ago one of the times I went to New York City to dance I lived in Queens for about three weeks, if I remember it correctly I stayed in Greenpoint.
Back to the point......the ghost tour. You commence at a butcher shop called Gulleys. A group of us gathered at the butcher shop and the tour started at 7 pm. The owner (?) Diana began by talking about some of the rich and colorful history of Astoria.
There are undergound tunnels under the town covering about 30 city blocks. There has been two major fires during the years here, in 1883 and 1922. And up until about the 1940s people were being shanghaided here, Astoria was not a safe place. You were basically kidnapped and taken out to sea, put on a ship and forced to work.
The rooms underneath Gulleys are supposedly haunted and were featured on a show called Ghost Adventures (on the Travel Channel). According to what I was told, you can find the ghosts Abigail, Hatchet Harry, Adam and Sara down there.
But first a picture of Tati, not a ghost.

A lot of old furniture down there, you get to walk through several rooms, explore undisturbed and look for the ghosts on your own. It is amazing how much space there is under the town of Astoria.
Sit down in that chair and ask to speak to Sara.

I highly recommed the Gulley's ghost tour if you ever happen to find yourself in Astoria.