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Entries from July 2024

Tuesday, July 30. 2024


A few months ago I got the Street Roots magazine from a vendor. I came across a poem called The Laudry Mat Blues by Dumpsta D.

A few years ago I was researching what it would take to own a laundromat. My vision was to have a very clean laundromat, most laundromats that I have been to scare me. I think people would appreciate a clean comfortable place and sanitized machines. Offer coffee and tea. I thought of names......maybe Swedish Laundry? I guess Heidi Fleiss got herself a laundromat in Pahrump Nevada that she named Dirty Laundry. I don't think it is open anymore.
After some reading about owning a laundromat I decided that maybe......no. The idea I have about my own laudromat was nice though. Going to a laundromat in Portland is like an adventure, you just never know what you might encounter.
Good luck finding a laudromat that sanitizes the machines. The bar is set low. That is not how it should be. It looks like no to my own laundromat for me. Perhaps I can figure something else out to do.

Monday, July 29. 2024

Something Good To Read

I finally have something good to read. Sita's (Sita Kaylin) new book, Anything But A Wasted Heart and Hippie by Paulo Coelho.
Actually somebody gave me the books, cute bookmark, a special deck of cards with Stumptown ads/art and a cd. And the beautiful shawl/wrap underneath the stuff. Thank You!
I spent the day in Portland yesterday (Pet Pack, errands and friends) but when I got home I immediately started on Sita's book. And finished it this morning. I will re read it soon I decided. So this is the second Sita Kaylin book I have read, the first one is Anything But A Wasted Life. I highly recommend that one, a page turner. She is working on a third memoir. Check her out on sitakaylin.com
Tucker came by the Pet Pack crew yesterday to say HI. He is so cute. I just love all animals.

I am in bed. It is almost midnight. I hear cars go by outside. It rained today after several weeks of almost daily sunshine. I am trying to convince myself to get out of bed and go brush my teeth. Then I will read and then sleep. I feel anxious. Too much stress. Reading is good though, soothes my mind.

Tuesday, July 23. 2024

My Identity Is Not A Political Party

Check out this comic that supposedly was in some Tokyo newspaper. (I found it on Reddit). 

Ok....let's see, I would much rather have a latte or a coffee than a soda (in this case Pepsi) and I am currently typing away on a Mac laptop although my very first PC was a HP desktop but since that first computer I have stuck with Apple. I am more of a rainbow flag march person than a church going person. So according to this comic I must be a democrat.
Some background, I was not born in the US, I am not a US citizen so therefore I cannot vote here. Had I been able to vote in the upcoming 2024 presidential election I would hands down without any hesitation vote for my man Bernie Sanders but wait, Bernie is not running so I would vote .....drumroll......DEMOCRAT.
Let me explain why. And most likely I will lose readers now (and that is OK) because a large amount of people are so very divided here in the US on this topic, like you are either a democrat or a republican. Well I am a HUMAN first of all, my identity is not a political party. I float around on the political spectrum but I know what I am for and what I am against. I have friends that are republican, friends that are democrat and friends that don't stand for much politically and we manage to get along.
I don't like how polarized US society is, how much division there is. It is dangerous and unhealthy.
We all know by now that a 20 year old kid tried to take out Trump during a political rally. The bullet grazed Trump's ear and in his own words, he was "fine". One person in the crowd died, very tragic. Plus the shooter. Then Biden withdrew from from the presidential race. Which probably took a lot. So I admire him for that. Right now it looks like it is Kamala Harris and Donald Trump that will be battling for the votes. At this point I do not care who is the nominee for the Democratic Party, I would vote for anyone representing the democrats because I do not think that Trump should be in the White House. There are plenty of high ranking republicans and conservatives as well that oppose of him.
Does this mean that these individual would vote blue? I don't know. I know that the debates between Harris and Trump will most likely be thrilling. In case you do not know, Harris used to be a prosecutor. 
I do not like how Trump has mocked Kamala's name, so arrogant.  I do not like how Trump encouraged the January 6th attack (coup attempt) on the Capitol. One police officer tragically died that day doing his job, so many officers were injured and four commited suicide within a year. Shameful. Those people that rabidly ran around the Capitol looking for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence and were excited to cause destruction walk amongst us in society, that is insanity. I do not like the MAGA crowd that to me come across as unhinged bullies. I do not like individuals like Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert. I do not like how the wife of the man that passed away at the Trump rally mentioned above refused a phonecall from Biden with the explanation that "I didn’t talk to Biden. I didn’t want to talk to him. 
My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.” Like ??? This mindset to me is scary. What did Biden do to you and your deceased husband? Some republicans were quick to announce that it was somehow Biden's fault that Trump got shot. Mentally unstable people listen to that, believe it and that can lead to bad stuff.
When Paul Pelosi got attacked inside his own house by a far right conspiracy theorist that beat him with a hammer Trump thought it was funny. There are many more I do not like Trump examples that I can think of. These reasons and more is why I am would vote democrat in 2024.
Back in 2016 when Trump won the then election I was ok with him as president until he started acting out in ways that I do not agree with. I am sure Trump has a nice side to him in private at home with his children, around friends but another four years of Trump in the White House? Absolutely not. It is enough, just go away and take MAGAs with you.

Wednesday, July 17. 2024

Pierogi Report

A new restaurant, East Coast Eats, or in my opinion more like a fast food sit down place opened up in Warrenton. In case you do not know Warrenton is the town next to Astoria and you have to drive across a bridge to get to Warrenton from Astoria. Either the New Youngs Bay Bridge or the Old Youngs Bay Bridge. 
Pierogies on the menu? Ok, Tati needs to try the pierogies and write a pierogi report. 
My opinion, the pierogies were ok. A bit slimy on the surface and I prefer red onion over white or yellow. The onion should had been cooked longer and there was a bit too much melted butter on the plate. I think that I will stick with the Jaju pierogies that I get from either New Seasons or the Astoria Co-op. I can fry them to the exact level I want and chop up a large organic (very important) red onion and fry it the way I want it too. I will know that the sour cream is organic for sure. This place just did not feel like organic products is a priority BUT I could be wrong on that. Would I have the pierogies here again? Possibly, if I do not feel like preparing any at home and have "I am craving pierogies now" moment.
I also tried some fries, they were drenched in too much of some sort of seasoning. I will stick to ordering the pierogies only here if I go back for more.

Tuesday, July 16. 2024

Stripper Slippers

Check out my new stripper slippers - perfect! Barbie. Pink. Soft. Comfortable. Cheap too (got them at Ross). I schlep around in these at the club when there is nothing going on and sometimes even when there is something going on. One can only wear 8 inch heels for so long. And speaking of heels, I really need to order another pair but I am procrastinating as usual.
(I order my heels from pleasershoes).

Taking a break. The dressing room is divided up into two sections and there are no chairs. If you want to sit down you basically sit down on the floor. I have a cushion that I sit on for some comfort. Very basic. Again......I miss Riverside Corral, super comfortable dressing room. Plus I miss Riverside Corral in general.

And one of the new outfits that I promised a picture of. I finally got the one with rhinestones sent to me. (Ordered from lavahintimates in case you want one).
From the side.

And the front.

Been doing some ruminating on my dancer days (really nights should we be detail oriented here) that I think are coming to an end within a rather not too far off future. But more on that another time.

Thursday, July 11. 2024

Another Week Gone By

Another week gone by.....in the blink of an eye. I know that I say that a lot, that time goes by so fast - because it DOES!
Let's see......Thursday last week it was the 4th of July (a big day here in the US in case you do not know). I started my day with a walk on a trail I recently discovered.

Later I went to Pier 39, a place here in Astoria (Oregon) popular with both locals and tourist. The weather has been spectacular. I sat down and just relaxed. It did not last for too long because some troglodyte decided to start fishing right mext to me. ??? With his kid in tow, the kid was not interested at all in his Dad's fishing skills (smart kid) and I was really hoping that the fish would stay away. The dude loudly announced that he had already caught two large sturgeons in that same location that same week but I guess that was not enough, he needed more. Unfortunately a poor fish got hooked and that meant that it was time for me to leave, no way that I am going to sit around and watch that.
So I drove back into town and got an ice cream and Frite & Scoop. I really wanted the licorice ice cream but they had discontinued it so I got the London fog instead. It was ok. I will give the place one more try.
Later in the evening the fireworks went OFF in Astoria. I don't think I have heard so many fireworks coming from EVERYWHERE. It was kind of crazy. I decided to drive off to a more quiet area so the dogs could get a break. Fireworks and animals is not always a good match. I feel bad for them. I am not a fan of fireworks around animals. I see all the fireworks I need at Burning Man. I saw that some locations in other places put on drone shows, I think I like that better.
Yeah another week went by......what else did I do?
I went back to Pier 39 to try a food place that recently opened - Athenas. I had the hummus plate with falafel. It was good.
I will have it again, next time I am bringing a book so I can really enjoy my time out there. It is so relaxing and so nice.
I mean.....look at this place.

There is a market here in Astoria every Sunday (Astoria Sunday Market from Mother's Day in May until mid October).
People are selling things like art and food. It is a poplular thing to do here on Sundays. I like the fresh local fruits and vegetables.

Since the days have been sunny and warm the evenings are amazing as well. I love walking by the water in the evening, it is so nice outside right now. I am trying to take it in as much as possible, in between being locked up in a dark club and also feeling kind of dejected in some ways.