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Entries from February 2015

Saturday, February 28. 2015

Current Collection

Today me and Julia had pedicures. But first we went nail polish shopping. I found us a brand of nail polish I haven't tried before, Ginger+Liz. Julia wanted something dark so she picked this dark green shade called "Blowing Money Fast" and I went with a light pink shade called "Catch The Bouquet".

Then I had to go to Red Shoes and find another pair of platform heels. So these are my latest, hot pink and sparkly. Pretty!

So the current collection consists of these three pairs, all by Pleaser and all 7". And all of them have rhinestones.

To be correct, I do have one more pair of platforms but they are not comfortable so I don't wear them. I will give them away or something. Julia forwarded me some ad she found on Craigslist. Some guy (I'm assuming it's a guy) wants to buy "well worn heels" for cash, stripper heels are a huge plus. He is also willing to buy heels for dancers.....the only requirement is very pretty feet. My feet can probably pass for pretty. I've had random people compliment them before but since about two years or so now I have corns on two of my toesies.....BOOOOOO! I think it's called corn. Basically a slightly raised bump looking thing on top of the toe, it's from the heels I wear at work. Maybe there is some sort of a corn remover or something I can try, I know it's not calluses. Anyhow.....IF I do email this person willing to buy stripper heels for cash, Julia has to come with me in case we decide to meet up so he can inspect my heels and perhaps feet, in a very public place like Starbucks. Of course!
Actually Julia needs some new heels too.

Matching bra and heels. This might be tonight's outfit IF I go to work. I was planning on going but now I'm feeling tired and lazy. Chhaya is sleeping and I kind of want to lay down next to her, snuggle and go to sleep too......the bed looks soooooo inviting!

Friday, February 27. 2015

Latte Drinker

The days are going by fast and sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time to even put a blog entry together. It's a bit past 4 am here and I am getting up at 11 am, it looks like I will have a full day tomorrow. Since last time I wrote I tried some food I never had before and strolled around downtown Las Vegas last night. Downtown is FUN and I'm not talking about Fremont Street now but more about that another time. Right now I just want to show you my latest pics from The MadHouse Coffee from the other day. I should get paid to drink lattes and eat pastries and then write about it. Professional latte drinker - that sounds great.
I had lunch at The MadHouse Coffee and it was very good, tried an apricot macaroon too which was also good but they should be more generous with the apricot filling.....not enough. Their lattes so far have always been yummy and I also tried a passion fruit iced tea which I liked. I love the artsy paintings on the wall there. It's open 24/7 in case you are in the mood for a late night sandwich, snack and/or a coffee or tea drink of some sort. Plus you might run into me there!

Wednesday, February 25. 2015


I got some important stuff taken care of and sent off today. Stuff that has been stressing me out, stuff that I did not want to deal with whatsoever. Well.....it's out of my hands now for a while and that feel good. Relief! What a great feeling that is.
I met Julia at Madhouse Coffee afterwards. We exchanged Valentine's Day cards and gifts, better late than never. I got a notebook , good cause I needed one. I get ideas and need to write them down, instead I make a mental note and think I'm going to remember every single detail of my thought process during the idea and sometimes I do but sometimes I don't. So I needed a small notebook to keep in my purse. Also a super cute Hello Kitty box with candy inside and a monkey button. Very Da Nang! Julia always knows what I need and what I like.

So this is what I looked like today, for all my fans out there...... ;-)
I got this yellow shirt (or whatever it is called) at a small store in Brooklyn almost three years ago. I did not wear it until my first night at Burning Man last year, I just did not know what to wear it with, no good occasion to wear it I guess. I brought it with me to Vegas and decided to put it on today. And it matches the roses outside my door, therefore the pics.

Tuesday, February 24. 2015

Snow In Vegas

Woke up to a chilly and grey day and snow capped mountains......snow in Vegas! FUN!
Well, not a lot of snow.....like "let's take out the sled" kind of snow but still. So me and half of Vegas (seemed like) headed for Red Rock to hike, take pics and gawk at that white stuff on the ground called snow.
I started out this Monday, this new week with a latte and a chocolate croissant at Samba Latte. I've been at home hibernating, eating, feeling sorry for myself and PMS-ing the last two day.....NO MORE of that crap! Going outside and moving around is one of the best remedies for a crappy mood.

Red Rock was beautiful today. All mysterious looking with low hanging clouds, no sun today, kind of chilly.....my fingers froze a bit, Chhaya did not need any water, she had lots of energy.

Now we are back home. I just ate and Chhaya did too. Tonight's plans.....I'm not sure. ;-)

Monday, February 23. 2015

Oh Yes

So I just found out tonight that The Breakfast Club will be played on big screens across the country next month. Oh yes!!!! I am sooooo going! One of the best movies ever. I love The Breakfast Club, Lost Boys and Pan's Labyrinth. You know when people ask you what your favorite movie is.....? Those are my faves but then of course I love a bunch of other movies.
I don't have a favorite book, there are too many good books. But if I had to go with one it would be "Quo Vadis" by Henryk Sienkiewicz, that is a spectacular read. It takes a genius to write something of that caliber. But really, there are so many great books and movies out there. My favorite colors are probably pink and purple but I love all colors. And favorite food would be FOOD in general. But of course I love certain Polish and Swedish dishes more than anything and I also love Indian food.
But back to The Breakfast Club. Exciting huh to be able to see it on the big screen!? If you don't know anything about The Breakfast Club you are either too young or just don't care for movies. Of course I was in loooooove with the bad boy, John Bender played by Judd Nelson. SEKSI! Yep, me and millions of other girls wanted to get a kiss from HIM. So next month I am going to squeal and giggle while sitting in the darkness of the theater watching this movie.
Anyhow. It's raining here in Vegas tonight. I ate all the ice cream I got last night. Now I'm feeling fat and sorry for myself.....yes, my PMS is in full bloom. Yeay!


Sunday, February 22. 2015

Saturday Night

It's Saturday night in Vegas and what's on the menu? Cuddle time and ice cream! I've had a rather hectic week and I really want to relax and just BE. Found some new ice creams that I haven't tried yet and some yummy trail mix to munch on.
Looking forward to just laying in bed, reading blogs (I still read a bunch of people's blogs - I find it entertaining and relaxing), chat with my brother on Facebook, maybe call my Mom, take a bath later, perhaps a honey face mask, find a movie or documentary on Netflix and peacefully drift to sleep. The only things missing is a good book! I have a serious new book craving, need to find something good to read soon, I have a book in mind. I will show you if/when I get it.
A lot of tourists that come through town don't understand how people can live in Las Vegas.....well, some people that live here rarely go down to the Strip for whatever reasons. Some suffer from Stripophobia. I have friends that work as teachers and they very rarely go down there. There is plenty of stuff to do, shopping, restaurants etc far removed from Las Vegas Blvd. I enjoy the Strip, I think it's beautiful at night with all the colors and lights.
And it's entertaining to watch the drunk tourists waddle around.
Today at Boca Park while I was getting my latte there was an auction. They "auctioned off" a fellow with a "heart like Sir Lancelot" and a very white smile to some ladies. All the proceeds would go to some battered women's shelter. I can't recall which one now. Well, they collected $600 in only a few minutes! WOW! I need to start auctioning off some hunky men at Boca Park on weekends to the lonely and wealthy Summerlinites. Seriously. If you are interested, send me an email. The proceeds will be divided. Part of it will go to some charity, concerning animals or children. And part will go to my latte fund. The hunky man will have to see what the lady that picks him has to offer. How about that?

I also went bowling again a few nights ago. Soon I'm going to throw down strikes like a pro. Old Fogbone warning alert!