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Entries from June 2013

Saturday, June 29. 2013

Lots To Say

I have lots to say about stuff that is going on at work right now but I'm saving it for tomorrow when I will (maybe) have some more time to sit down and write about it. I didn't wake up until 1 pm today and the day flew by. I need to take Chhaya out and I think I am going to go for a run before I have to get ready for an evening at work.
It's really nice out and I'm feeling happy, alive and summery. I hope you do too! πŸ™‚


Here is a recent work story. By the way, I am feeling extremely unmotivated at work lately.
I just want to sit there, go on stage and that's it. NOT in the mood to engage in LAME convos with people I don't know. I am ok with people I do know, usually I have some smart men that come in and talk to me - otherwise I would climb the walls. I am really close to climbing the walls actually.
Anyhow. Now that I got that off my chest.....Last night when I was standing by my locker this new girl that I don't know bounces by and blurts out (to me), "Hi Russia." Sometimes I don't care and sometimes I do, depending on my mood. Sometimes I pretend that I am from Kazakhstan and barely speak any English. But I am NOT Russian and the girls at this club tend to talk a lot about ME to the guys and they all say that I am from Russia and then everybody assumes that I am. So I replied, "I am not Russian". She, "Where are you from then?"
Me, "I was born in Poland but I grew up in Sweden." She, "Oh....Sweden, I always wanted to go there, was is nice to live there?" Me, "Yes." She, "I love that BAVARIAN architecture."
Me, "Ummmmm, Bavaria is in Germany." She, "Oh, I am not that good at GEOMETRY."
Me, "You mean geography?"
Yeah.....LOL. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. And I am not referring to myself. ;-)
Sometimes I see and hear (remember I am very observant) guys ask the other girls a bunch of questions about me when I am on stage. ASK ME instead! Very few of these girls know me, so they don't know what they are talking about anyway. I am going to make some of those informative brochures and put them throughout the club so people can read vital facts about me, since I seem so interesting to others.

Friday, June 28. 2013


So Wizard, the husky that bit the two year old got put down today. πŸ˜₯
His owner decided this or Wizard would had faced a long confinement in some shelter. I hope the responsible (sarcasm) Mom of the two year old feels like something GOOD came out of this situation now. Feel good now Mom? Happy? Yes, I know her kid got bit and hurt and that is really unfortunate but maybe Mom should had not put three children in that situation in the first place. Then this could had been avoided. We all make mistakes, it is human to make mistakes. But how is this outcome making the situation any better? I am sure that Wizard could had continued living his life without any other incidents like this.
This makes me angry. If some kids would walk into my yard and get bit by Chhaya I would not see that as my fault or Chhaya's fault. Keep track of your kids. OK? WHATEVER!

Great Spot

When I was driving back to Kenai from Anchorage the other day I stopped in Hope. I have been there before and it is a nice place. In fact Ireland and Natasha took my advice and went camping there last weekend and they loved it.
I want to camp in Hope too but not at the campground, instead I have this great spot in mind. You turn on a dirt road to the right off the main road and get to a pretty beach and some areas where you can slap up a tent or park your RV, make a fire and enjoy great views, even lay on the cliffs and tan or read. That is where I want to camp! Hopefully one of my friends that enjoy the outdoors can join me one day.

Thursday, June 27. 2013

No Excuse

So I think I have to drag myself to work tonight. I might as well, I did all my laundry and my house is clean so I can't make the excuse to myself that I should stay home and clean and it is cold and gray outside so I can't say that I want to enjoy a beautiful summer evening outside. So yeah, back to work......noooooooo! I am not feeling enthusiastic at all. But that is how I am.....I don't like getting ready and going there, once I am there I am usually ok and in the end it was usually worth it. Same with the gym or with traveling, I don't want to get ready and go but once it is over I have no regrets.
But before I start to wash my hair and shave I have to bundle up warm and take this young lady out for a walk. She is ready to play and is staring at me from across the room right now. She needs attention.


A little after 1 am here on June 27 which is my half-birthday btw. What is a half-birthday?
Well this is the explanation according to Wikipedia, "A half-birthday is a day approximately six months before or after the anniversary of a person's birth. It is sometimes marked by people whose birthday falls near major holidays, the celebration of which may overshadow celebration of the birthday.". My REAL birthday is December 27. So in case you want to gift me with something.....I want the new Camilla LΓ€ckberg book, The Stranger and new stripper shoes, Pleaser Bejeweled 801-DM, size 8. :-D

Anyhow......I am doing laundry while writing this, STILL sticking with the organic home made fabric softener. I hang dry most of my clothes. Went for a 25 minutes run around 11 30 and I am in bed now. Chhaya just curled up right next to me.
So ready for some of my thoughts......? Do you think Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor?
I pretty quickly made up my mind that I look at him as a hero, absolutely. I also think that Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) is a hero. What Snowden did was brave, he stood up for the Fourth Amendment, that people have the RIGHT to be SECURE in their persons, houses, effects......and so on. When a government listens in on people's private conversations without their knowledge then their right to be secure in their person and house has been compromised and is no longer there. So yes, to me Snowden is a hero. I wish him the best and I hope he can find a safe place to live. This is probably only the tip of the iceberg, who knows what else the government is doing. This is a mock democracy.....but I have said that before. Starting to remind me of Russia back in the day. The best thing to do is to start planning for self sufficiency. Easier said than done. But when the stores run out of food and stuff, the people that are self sufficient and have a way to defend themselves will be the ones surviving.
I heard that 1984 by George Orwell is selling like hotcakes on Amazon. Coincidence or are people staring to slowly wake up?
And now to a controversy on a more local level.....involving a dog and a toddler. Recently a sled dog husky bit a two year old after the two year olds Mom took her three small kids into a dog yard with about 50 chained up huskies. One dog got loose and mauled the toddler and now the question is, should the dog be euthanized? My opinion? NO. I feel bad for the little girl that got bit BUT her Mom should had never brought three small kids into that dog yard.
I don't care what she was doing in the dog yard, leave the kids outside or in the car. This is not the friendly family lab we are talking about, these are sled dogs, most of them live their lives chained up and are not socialized with children. I am personally against keeping dogs chained up like this and think it is border line animal cruelty. I have already written a blog entry about that. The husky that bit the toddler is not a bad dog. I do not see why he, his name is Wizard, should be put down. Nothing good is going to come out of that. You can't bring your kids around every dog, that is just how it is. I got bit as a toddler by our dog, it was MY fault, I was bothering the dog. My Mom was smart enough to know this and the dog continued living with us. I would never let Chhaya be around kids unsupervised, I rather not have any kids around Chhaya period. Just to avoid accidents. Chhaya has been around kids but she is kind of stand offish with them and I can tell that she'd rather not be bothered by them. And I respect that.
Of course Wizard should live! I think the Mom is at fault here. So then should she be considered a negligent parent and have her kids taken away? Nothing good would come out of that either. She just has to live with the fact that she made a mistake. We all make mistakes. That's life. But she should not push the responsibility of her mistake onto Wizard. That is not right.