North & South Dakota

Entries from March 2012

Monday, March 5. 2012

That interview

The other day when I took a taxi to work there were already two people in the taxi, besides the driver, when it pulled up to where I have
been staying. I thought that was strange. One person was holding a camera. I thought "CASH CAB, in Williston!!?".
Yeay, I can finally put my general knowledge skills to use!"
But no cash cab, it so happened that the two people in that cab, a guy and a girl were two journalist students from
The University of Montana, Missoula.
The are here documenting the oil boom and were filming the cabbie, that so happened to pick up MOI, a dancer on her way to work with her
little suitcase on wheels. Strange coincidence! So of course we did a small quick on camera interview in the cab, I answered some questions.
Then I got contacted by their instructor, he asked if they could get some more extensive footage, of me getting ready in the dressing room,
an interview with me either before the club opens or after closing. Stuff like that. They want to cover the nightlife here in Williston.
And there isn't much, Whispers and Heartbreakers and some other bars. Unless you think that shopping at Wal-Mart at 2 AM is fun.
They also want the real angle on that story about that BIG money here done by CNN.
And they came across my blog and liked what they saw.
BUT, the owner of Heartbreakers does not want a film crew in there, which I totally understand and respect, no biggie.
So, no interview of me changing out of my jeans into a bra and Honey Dew panties in the dressing least for now.....


What an amazingly gorgeous day! Sunny and my guess is that it is like 45 degrees or warmer outside. !!!
I am savoring my moment of peace, calm and sanity with food and a latte before work tonight.
Ok my dear darling readers of my blog - Tatiana has been censored! LOL.
I will explain more about that soon......
It was my first night at Heartbreakers last night, Sunday night. Whispers next door is closed on Sundays.....
There were about double the amount of girls at Heartbreakers. They seem to be from all over and most of them looked good and in shape.
Many blondes. At least last night. That might change tonight.
The club looks great. There has been some changes since last time I was there. Like the stage is moved a bit, there is a DJ (good!).
I went up on stage three times last night to two song sets.
No more reclining chairs for lap dances. That I helped pick out last time I was here btw......
Now there are regular chairs, three chairs in three separate small rooms - that makes it nine chairs for lap dances.
The rooms where you do the lap dances are lit up by red lights, which I like, it is more flattering than just the black lights which can appear
too harsh on your skin tone, especially mine since I am pale, even though I have self tanner on now. I don't want to apply the self tanner
everyday because I think it smells weird, I'd rather have the scent of VIVA La Juicy on me than self tanner.
The main area of the club has plenty of black lights though, everybody's teeth and peroxide bleached hair glows in the dark.
The club got fairly busy, but Heartbreakers is a much smaller place than Whispers so it is hard to judge the size of the crowd.
It costs $120 to work. $20 of that goes to the DJ. I think I did well, not great - but well. I am sure there were girls that did better than me.
So - to sum it up, a positive experience.

I have been getting some nice response from people regarding the blog sent to my e mail.
If you have any questions you can e mail me,
But I have been getting a rather chilly response to my blog here in Williston, apparently writing about your experiences and opinions
about dancing is not a good thing. WHY??? But everybody has an opinion, just like everybody has an asshole.
You don't have to like me, that's fine - I really don't care actually. But this is the "land of the free" after all, with everything it stands for.
You know.....the US Constitution and the First Amendment and all of that.
I have always known that deep inside many there is still that old belief that girls/women should look pretty and be quiet. And if they do talk it should preferably be about something non threatening, like cooking and child rearing.
Well, not this girl! I admire ladies that go places in life. And that have something of substance to say, life is about so much more than boyfriend
problems, gossip, getting wasted, being loud and acting stupid. Though I have to admit, I like my dose of gossip once in a while....
I will leave you with some quotes that I find inspiring and fitting.....

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. – Coco Chanel.

One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go.
- Sheila Murray Bethel.

Sunday, March 4. 2012

Tonight’s venue - Heartbreakers......!

Tatiana is going to Heartbreakers tonight.
It will be interesting to see how the place has changed since the last time she was there, back in October 2010.
Right now Tatiana is at Meg-A-Latte, a very busy place on a Sunday. People are lining up for their caffeine......Tatiana hopes that
the baristas make lots of tip$ today.
Who is going to be the first to open up a coffee shack drive up in Williston? With bikini clad baristas. That coffee shack will be booming.
Especially if it would be next to Wal-Mart, that place is busy!
Remember, Tatiana told you about it first! There are many coffee shacks in Alaska, seems like a good business.

As You Can See.....

Whispers and Heartbreakers are literally wall to wall. So if you do not find what you are looking for in one, you can saunter over next door and
continue your search. You should of course be in the club Tatiana is in, duh - obviously!
Whispers is larger than Heartbreakers, both clubs are smoky inside - gross if you are a non-smoker like Tatiana.

Catty girls amuse me.....

So......I survived my last night at Whispers and had a really good one, best one so far - so I am happy.
My poor feet though are anything but, I have to get moleskin because two of my toes are getting angry red blisters and I want to keep
my feet nice looking.
It came to my attention that a person I worked with all week, who smiled in my face the first night but after that just acted indifferent, even rude
at least once, which is totally fine with me, told a bunch of people that I have been writing bad stuff about Whispers on my blog.
She actually managed to tell a whole bunch of people about my blog. Thank You for promoting Tatiana's blog that everybody NEEDS!
Maybe I should hire her as my assistant the day her cirrhosis takes over?
Please point out to me where I wrote anything blatantly bad about the club.....because I am missing it.
Sure, I mention that the club is smokey, I don't smoke. Cold, I was cold a lot. That the floor we danced on was dirty but I survived that experience. And that the music system is lacking, I wish I could had hooked up my iPod.
WOW. Shocking! Big deal!
Yeah, she told everybody about my blog, the other girls, bartenders, maybe even customers......? I hope so! And she made sure to talk about me and the "awful" things I write about on here when I wasn't within earshot.
Myself, I told three people about my blog total. Two of them interviewed me on camera in the taxi that I took to the club last night.
But more on that in another entry.
I am not sure what I did for her to act so catty. I suspect that I wasn't wasted and "fun" enough - but what can you do, I can't please everybody.
Or maybe she is insecure over something.
Oh well. Keep on reading my blog girl....and good luck in life......

Saturday, March 3. 2012

Happy Saturday

I woke up early and ventured out. Sunny and nice today, I am in a really good mood.
Tonight is my last night at Whispers, yeeeeaaayyy, made it through the week, moving over to Heartbreakers tomorrow night.
Had some food earlier, a red velvet cup cake and a latte and some other stuff of course.
Now I am relaxing, doing some laundry and I got the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
I like girls that look beautiful naturally. Head to toe. Too much make up and other crap does not look good to me.
Anyways.....I might even take a little nap before work.

Hmmmmm.......why not, here I am super happy, haven't even brushed my teeth yet cause I just got up. Make up......what make up?
Good Morning!