Sweden Other

Entries from September 2009

Monday, September 21. 2009

Womens rights

Tatiana came across an article today that talked about how the Scandinavian countries fight FGM (female genital mutilation). In case you don't know Scandinavia consists of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. Beautiful countries.
Tatiana thinks that is is very good that it is illegal in Scandinavia to subject your daughter(s) to FGM. It is total mutilation and against human rights. Here are some extracts from the article and at the end of this blog there will be a link to the full article.

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - When she was 11, a Swedish-born girl was taken on vacation to her mother's native Somalia. The mother wanted to “make her daughter clean” and paid a man to cut off her daughter's clitoris and labia while two women held her down.
Afterward, the girl was stitched to her urethra.
No anesthesia was used.

“The reasons given for female circumcision are traditional, cultural and religious. It is believed to encourage cleanliness, to control promiscuity, enhance the males´ sexual pleasure, preserve virginity and protect against unwanted pregnancies,” said Timnit Embaye of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Kenya.

“Women in most African communities are taken as second-class citizens. Although the mothers may not want to circumcise their daughters, it is often very difficult for them to openly oppose the practice,” she said. “It would be a bold woman to stand up against a practice that has been endorsed by all her women ancestors for centuries.”
So Scandinavian governments are trying to stand up for the women.

Ok.......in Sweden we have lots of immigrants from all kinds of countries. Tatiana arrived to Sweden from Poland with her single Mom, not a word of Swedish but quickly learned. There are lots of issues in Sweden regarding immigrants. Tatiana thinks that a person that moves to a new country should embrace the new country as well keep the original countries traditions as long as they do not compromise the new countries laws.
And you should definitely learn how to speak the new countries language. There are people in Sweden that do not know how to speak Swedish after years in Sweden, that is so not ok. Those people should not get any special assistance whatsoever, they need to learn the language, asap.
Tatiana didn't know a word of Swedish upon arrival, first grade was scary due to the language barrier, later she excelled in Swedish, probably because she would bury herself in books a lot. First novel read from cover to cover "Roots" by Alex Haley in second grade.
If you feel like you can not conform to the new countries laws you do not need to live there, go back to where you came from. That is the best solution for everyone. If you want to circumcise your daughter, do not move to Sweden. If you want to wear a burqa or force your daughter or wife to wear a burqa then don't move to France. Or Sweden either for that matter.
Tatiana is applauding the French president Sarkozys decision to ban the burqua in public. Western Europe and Scandinavia are countries where equality between the sexes is strived for, as is should. Burqas and FGM do not belong.
Tatiana wouldn't move to a country where she couldn't live the way she wished, you need to somewhat be able to assimilate yourself into the society you live in. That does not mean you have to be a sheep in a big flock, not be able to think for yourself. Thinking outside the box is great, that is how we as people can move forward.
Tatiana admirers women from Mother Theresa that immersed herself in altruism to Anna Wintour, the super successful and totally in charge editor in chief of American Vogue magazine. Pippi Långstrump is a great role model for girls too.
Tatiana doesn't like women like Jessica Simpson and Heidi Montag. Anyone that changes the way they talk and act when a man is around. Any woman that gives up who she is for a man. Bleh! Compromising is fine but not totally changing.
Women should do whatever they want. If they want an education, travel, do whatever - they should. Not every woman wants to have babies and cook and clean, that is ok if that is what a person wants to do.
Equality, a great concept, Tatiana is all for it.


Since this blog is about circumcision and equality......what about male circumcision? This does not happen too much is Sweden (Tatiana is not familiar with Swedish laws on this issue) but is common the USA. This is usually performed when the child is still very young, not like FGM. But really it should be that individuals choice whether to get circumcised or not. A child has no say in a decision like this, it's the parents decision. If the foreskin and the clitoris were so bad for our bodies we would not have been born with these parts.
Thanks for reading!