Pool and Stuff

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Pool and Stuff

After taking an afternoon nap I forced myself out of bed and went to the pool to swim some laps. It's almost always a drag to get out and exercise but I feel great afterwards every time. So I am happy that I went.

Work this weekend was......work. A civilian girl (meaning a non dancer) came in with a large group of guys as part of a bachelor party. The bachelor got his obligatory dance with the obvious choice, MOI - of course. Then the girl developed a small crush on me. So she got her first lap dance and it was her first time ever in a strip club too. She told me that she had been kind of scared to come in because she thought it was going to be grimy and gross with nasty dancers, this is what she had heard, people talk a lot of trash. But she ended up having a great time, thought that most of the girls were really nice and pretty and she left with a big smile on her face. I love it when I can change a persons preconceived opinions about my line of work.
Some other stuff.....The other day I wrote that we all live by our own set of morals. What is totally ok for me might be objectionable for somebody else. It became very evident to me the other day when I heard a discussion on the radio about people that pretend to be disabled or tell their children to act disabled just so they can skip the lines at Disneyland and Disney World. This has become so abused that park officials decided to stop allowing disabled children and adults to skip lines all together at the parks. What kind of a person pretends to be handicapped to skip a line or instructs their child to pretend this? Great parenting btw. Something I would never even dream of doing. And others sneer at for examples dancers. Once in a while angry women come in and glare at me or my co workers, snicker and talk shit. Listen, you don't know me personally but go ahead and talk shit all you want. If you knew me then you would know that I am one of the dancers that doesn't fall into the bad stereotypes in any shape or form. So yeah, just an example of how we all go through life with our own set of morals.
One more thing before I hop in the bath. I have been following an entertaining debate in Swedish blogs about selfies and girls doing the duck face or taking the selfie with the camera angled above them. I personally think that the duck face is rather lame and ridiculous looking but to each their own. But some women in the discussion call the pictures snapped with the camera slightly above the face the "dick sucking look". What, really? I take a lot of pictures of myself or selfies and sometimes I take pics with the camera above my face, not at all trying to look like I am in the mood to give a bj. And absolutely not fishing for any "how fuckable is she" approvals from guys. I couldn't care less and it's not like that is going to happen anyways, you know....me having sex with some random guy. ICH DON'T THINK SO! And it's only a picture. Quite innocent actually. Ooooooh selfies! :-D

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  1. Dr.M on :

    Did you see Eadie's???? Quite a change from the old days, if the walls could talk, ha,ha.
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    No I didn't see Eadie's......not sure what building it is.

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