Hello 2013!

Welcome to Chaos !!

Hello 2013!

Well........2013 is HERE - a new year! A clean slate, a new start but still your same life continuing. Only YOU can change YOUR life! Do I have any New Years resolutions? YES! I am going to start chain smoking and do lots of drugs. Drinking is for lightweights. 2013 is going to be a FUN year! Party time! I am entering the new year with anticipation and happiness inside of me. No, I really don't have any resolutions besides a bunch of thoughts about being a better person, make a positive difference for either one or many persons, the environment, animals........etc. Have more fun. Dance (at raves, I am not referring to work now). Take better care of my skin and work out, you know I am still shallow after all!
I am at home, did not go out. No rave for me this New Years, Together As One got cancelled anyways. And the local bars didn't seem too appealing. Chhaya got all my New Years kisses, she barely looked at me, she was so tired from chasing fireworks. See Chhaya is not scared of fireworks, she loves them, she wants to eat them, attack them and runs around and barks like crazy when it's firework time. Or "boom booms" like I call it, that gets her attention. Ok, I have a new book to read, might start it tonight The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom. Or I might take a bath.....start the New Year nice and clean!

  • Comments: 4
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  1. Dirty on :

    I am wearing some perfume called "dirty" haha.....I don't understand why people do not leave very many comments on the blog. I try to write something every time I read it, even if my comments are not very exciting....it would be cool if everyone who reads the blog regularly would leave one comment a week, or even every month. Anyway, that is all I have to say for now....Happy New Year !!
  2. TATIANA Post author on :

    Yes, that would be fun......if everybody left one comment a week. But then for example......the three largest blogs in Sweden (where blogging is really big) get from 5 - 150 comments on each entry (more if the entry is provocative or shocking) and are read by 90 000 - 170 000 people/day. The three girls that have these blogs are kind of famous over there and still, 5 commets on one entry read by 90 000. That's not many comments......And I read those blogs too and I think I have maybe left a total of three comments on them. Today I had about 500 go in and read my blog and YOU were the only one that left a comment. Last week I had one day with almost 5000 visitors. But then I also know you IRL so that makes a difference. If I knew the person blogging I would read their blog and leave comments often but that's me......I like to show people my appreciation and involvement like that. For example, I leave comments on Ulrikas blog because I know her........
    : )
  3. Angelica on :

    Love your resolution to drink, smoke and Parrrdddyyy!!! Whoo yeah!!
  4. TATIANA Post author on :

    Parrrrrrdddyyyyy Timeeee at EDC/Chicago 2013!

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