Lots of claws out at work tonight, not enought guys and too many selfish girls - the cattiness comes out. You know me, I do not "compete" for dances. I do not have to, want to and yes I am ctually too good for that. I think guys should be thanking their lucky stars that they can even have a dance with me. More dancers should feel like that about themselves, not only feel like that - put that out there. So no claws out for me at work, I just sit back and
observe the spectacle.
Theresa, our waitress told me that some guys had came by her store, she has a grocery store in town and asked her something about me. And she told them that Tatiana doesn't sit with guys that act like assholes, even if they do have a lot of money. And that's right, I don't. I'd rather sit by myself.
She also said that some girl at work SUPPPOSEDLY gave some guy up here fishing an std (outside of work), so some fishing guides heard about that and are not bringing in their clients.
I find that a little far fetched. I think the fishing guides are not in with clients because the fishing is bad this year. And as far as std's goes, not only dancers have them, last I heard those are rampant with people in every category of life. And hello, if you are going to have some kind of a sexual encounter, at least use protection until you know what's going on down there.
I personally do not meet up with people for after work activities and I do not have one night stands either.
But that's me. But then of course, I do not have to worry about any std's either. Though I can see how a girl with an infected VAGINE at work could spread it around to other girls, it is probably possible if you don't watch out in certain situations.
Anyways, I am eating granola and I have a hot cup of tea to enjoy, got the latest Bazaar with my girl Rihanna on the cover, so I am going to drool over her now.
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