Since I am just a little bossy......I got this at the sex toy party.
A cute little whip. All those dildos were huge. Too much. The gaper look is not for me.
I am not sure what I would do with them. Have Chhaya chew on them, she goes crazy over things that buzz and vibrate.
How is my face doing? It's slightly red, looks flushed. Skin feels tight. My chin was peeling this morning.
The neck has improved, phew! It is weird not to be able to wash your face with water. Looking forward to next Tuesday when I am going in for a
normal, moisturizing facial and can start washing my face again.
I am also taking vitamins to help my skin to heal.
Thinking about going in to work tonight. I can still wear my lashes and some lip gloss. The peeling is not visible after I put some lotion on my face,
so nobody will know the difference.
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