
Entries from October 2024

Monday, October 7. 2024

October 7

Last year on October 7 Hamas decided to massacre innocent people who peacefully were enjoying themselves at the Supernova festival in Israel. I won't go into details because with the internet at your fingertips there are many articles to read about what happened. And you should read up on what happened to those innocent that got murdered or taken hostage, a very sad read. Showing how truly evil humanity can be. 
Since then there has been many demonstrations and support for Palestine and a lot of acts of antisemitism. I am disgusted by this. I am 100% in support of Israel and I am 100% against all terrorist groups like Hamas. I can say without hesitation that I hate the ones spreading violence, terror and murdering innocent people. Looking back at history, say since 1950 and forward there is a repeated common thread, mostly crazy men commiting henious acts in the name of their Allah. It is disgusting. Hijacking airplanes, murdering Israelis at the Olympics, murdering staff running a magazine, murdering writers, plowing vehicles into crowds, knife attacks on random people out in public, kidnapping innocent people, rape.......the list goes on and on, this random violence in the name of Allah is neverending. Brainwashed sick people. HOW do you become this way as a human? I do not comprehend it.
Yes, I KNOW many innocent people in Palestine have died. I don't have a solution......move the Palestinians somewhere else in order to end this? To some other Arab country like Saudi Arabia. There is enough money in the Arab countries to house all the Palestinians comfortably. But they don't want them. Egypt for example closed its borders to the Palestinians.
Just as a comparison, Poland immediately took in millions of people fleeing Ukraine and a lot of the Ukrainians live in Poland now. And speaking of Poland, as a message to never forget there are several concentration camps still standing in Poland that the Nazis operated during World War II. And there are idiots here in the US and Europe that are antisemitic?
Educate yourself you morons. Go live in Palestine and see how you will like it. Throw on a hijab or a burqa, submit to your husband and Allah, pump out a bunch of kids and know that your daughters will have limited rights. Have fun with that.
And since I am on this subject......if you want to keep your cave man beliefs and fight to death for your God please stay in the countries where this lifestyle is the norm. Do not soil civilized countries with your beliefs, those beliefs DO NOT belong there. I feel so bad for the women, children and animals in countries where basic human rights do not exist and where only men rule and spread violence.
October 7, to all the innocent beautiful people that were exposed to terror - I am so sorry that this happened to you.