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Entries from June 2024

Sunday, June 30. 2024

Water In Cans

Today's trip to the grocery store resulted in.....water in cans and a red onion to be used with pierogies. No water in plastic bottles. I really need to install a water filter under the sink though. Of course I bring my own bag. And here in the US they always ask if you want a bag (to purchase) even if you only buy one or two items. Like people can't carry out a couple of items. NO you do NOT NEED a plastic or paper bag provided by the store for a fee to carry a couple of items! I don't care if I get ten or more items and would forget my own reusable bag, I still won't get a plastic or paper bag from the store. Because it is wasteful. And plastic bags that end up in landfills and oceans are harmful for animals.

I tried banana water for the first time the other day. Very yummy.

And I finally found some good milk tea. I was drinking milk tea almost daily in Japan. Now I can drink it here. Got these at Zupans in Portland, very yummy. Product of Japan of course. The land of yumminess.

Fort George makes the best pizza in Astoria in my opinion. 

My outfit arrived, with rhinestones this time.

My manager knitted a butt pad for me. I ALWAYS put something (usually a towel) between my bare butt cheecks and the chairs at work. No way that I am going to put my clean undercarriage down on some sticky yucky chair without a barrier in between.

And since I am also a world renowned photographer, same category like the ones that work for National Geographic.....I am presenting to you this pretty berry. Yes Hello National Geographic in case you wonder......I am available for assignments. 😉

Tonight's walk was peaceful and the air is warm.

And with that it is a Good Night from me. Tomorrow is July 1. June is already over, so soon. Too soon.

Tuesday, June 25. 2024

New Stuff

I ordered some new outfits a while back - check out this new stuff.
These two from Frederick's. A black longsleeved with rhinestones and a pink longsleeved with rhinestones.

Then this colorful little thing from Lavah. It was supposed to be covered in rhinestones but arrived without a single rhinestone. Supposedly they are sending a replacement......I am still waiting. And yea most likely I will throw in some pics here with me squeezed into these outfits, one at a time of course.
I need new heels too. I think another pair of 8 inch.

Monday, June 24. 2024

More Festival

Yesterday I went back for some more of the festival (the yearly Scandinavian festival in Astoria Oregon). It was the last day of three. The first day I went I saw an art piece that I really liked, a mermaid inside an old wooden window. So nice. I told the artist that I would be back and if she (the mermaid) was there still I would get her. But no, she was gone. The artist told me that she is working on another mermaid, a purple one (I love purple) so I might be able to get that one. I love and collect mermaids and faeries.
In case you did not know, I am a mermaid and a faerie. Like a mix of both.

The Maypole was up.

I brought my eight inch heels and my blue & yellow string bikini to perfom at noon. I had the whole main stage to myself. 😉
Everybody in the US knows about the Swedish Bikini Team and I am a member of course.

The Oregon Midsummer Festival is taking place in Portland net Friday and Saturday at Nordia House.
I love that place.

Friday, June 21. 2024

Midsummer Festival

Well.......June 21. Longest day of the year. It is Summer Solstice and a full moon today. And the Midsummer Festival is happening in Astoria. I am thinking about entering the meatball eating contest tomorrow and show these local folks here how real Swedes eat (not).
I went to the event today, walked around and looked at all the vendors selling things. I saw an art piece that I thought was quite amazing, if it is still there on Sunday I might splurge and get it. I ate (split pea soup with rye bread and then pancakes). I have an all weekend pass. The Maypole is getting up tomorrow. And this evening I wanted to see the sunset and the moonrise. The sun set behind clouds and I waited until 22 20 for the moon but I missed out on that too. But how?
Like where did the moon go this evening? Behind clouds as well or I was not in a good spot to watch it rise. I drove home disappointed. I love watching the full moon rise. 

Instead of a picture the moon I took took a picture of this boat. These cargo ships are always on the Columbia river behind Astoria. You can see their lights blinking out there on the water at night......it is soothing somehow.