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Entries from December 2023

Sunday, December 31. 2023

Last Latte Of 2023

This was it, my last latte of 2023. From Stumptown here in Portland. And I got it for free just because. Sweet! Here you can see the Stumptown locations. I actually brought a bag of Stumptown coffee beans with me to Japan to give to the location there but I never made it to Kyoto.

No snow here.

I am at home tonight, I can't recall the last time I went out somewhere on New Year's Eve. It's been a while. I took a bath earlier so I go into 2024 nice and clean. I'm in bed, reading and writing (as usual) and watching the Elvis movie on Netflix. What a story, I love Elvis by the way. One of my first memories of listening to music as a child was sitting at home with a small single casette player listening to Elvis songs over and over again.
I had tea and a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie tonight.
What do I wish for in 2024? PEACE. Both world peace and personal peace. Therefore I have two candles burning tonight......for peace.
Happy New Year everybody.

Work Pics

Well.......let's take a look at some work pics from the year that is almost over. I hope that I have not put any of these up yet, I really can't remember and I am too lazy to check.
I got two new outfits this year, they got lost at first and ended up at a neighbor's for a while. I tracked them down with the help of the post office and eventually got them back. Like WTF......give me back my lingerie you weirdo! If you want to sit at home with my lingerie in your hands you will have to purchase it from me like everybody else.
Lavender and black, both with rhinestones.

And this is what they look like on.

The lavender one is barely there......it is quite popular.

Sitting around. Being bored. I am bored a lot at work. I am sticking with the Pleaser Stardust heels.

I danced at a place called the Sandy Jug a couple of times, it wasn't a place for me. I decided to not go back there, some time later the club suddenly closed down. That club had the WORST dressing room I have ever been inside of (blergh and shudder) and I have been in quite a few. The club was crappy in my opinion, even for Portland standards.

After the Riverside Corral sadly closed I found another place, I am there once in a while but not often. No touching the dancers......I like that. That is how it should be and strictly adhered to. You can have a hug though if you are nice. Hugs are good for people.

Selfie from underneath the work lights. Is it time to go home yet? I want to lounge in my bed and read.

Thursday, December 28. 2023

Heart Shaped Våfflor

Started off my day like this yesterday......this is one of my favorite things to do. Coffee in bed, read, relax, enjoy the silence plus dogs in the bed.
I no longer get a latte from somewhere in the morning, I make myself coffee at home. No need to drive somewhere, this way is much better for me right now. 

Then I watched an episode of Pippi Långstrump on svtplay and I have 12 more episodes to watch. Yeay Pippi!
Ann arrived later and we went and had massages in the evening. Here I am before the massage......

And after. It felt so good. I would like weekly massages - yes please.

After the massages we went back to my place and had heart shaped våfflor (waffles) topped with raspberry jam and whipped cream.

And drank this pink rosé with raspberry sorbet in the glasses. If you have not had pink bubbly with sobet you MUST!
I thought the bottle was so sparkly and pretty, so I am saving it.
One day I might put a candle in the bottle.....maybe.

In the evening we started watching Barbie. I had a feeling I would fall asleep before the end and I did. Ann fell asleep shortly after me. The plan is to watch it again tonight.
I saw this pretty rosebud at Jenkins Estate this afternoon.

We had some tea later and then Ann left. I took a bath with some nice bath salts that my friend Monika gave me when I was in Sweden last summer. Now I am in bed......about to watch Barbie again.

Tuesday, December 26. 2023


In Sweden we have something called Julkalendern, been around since I was a kid. In fact Julkalendern started in 1960 and it is like an advent calendar series made for tv, one episode per day starting December 1 and ending December 24. It is part of our Christmas tradition. This year's Julkalender is called Trolltider and the original version was shown 44 years ago. I decided to watch Trolltider yesterday and watched the last couple of episodes today. Of course I loved it - trolls, tomtar, witches, faeries......all the stories from childhood. I told a friend about it and he watched it too although he does not speak Swedish and then he decided to rewatch all the episodes.

I also watched the Swedish King's speech, very nicely delivered but with a serious tone. Because the situation in the world is grim. I am about to rewatch it tonight. The speech can be found translated on the web in case you want to know what he said. I can't help but to compare it to Trump's Christmas message he posted on Truth Social......talk about a difference in tone and content. I feel extra Swedish tonight and I usually consider myself a global citizen.
And that is my beautiful hometown Stockholm.

That's it from me for tonight this late December evening. I am in bed with two sleeping puppies. Exactly the company I want to have in my bed. And pink sheets, a warm electric blanket, soft blankets and plush pillows. Bliss. Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 24. 2023


I am wishing you all a nice and cozy Holiday season. I am spending the night at a friend's house, I am in bed with Kaya and about to sleep soon. So Goodnight from me.

Saturday, December 23. 2023

Into The Mushroom Forest

I have been walking around in these woods a few times lately. There are lots of old twisted trees here on the coats.

Into the mushroom forest.

There are mushrooms growing everywhere and mushrooms are popping up on art everywhere too.

Well.......Christmas is just around the corner. Tomorrow. So enjoy. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, God Jul!