Tokyo Subway
Welcome to a small tour of the Tokyo subway! I managed to navigate on the subway on my own although it took some time to understand it. And yes it can be confusing but it is manageable. First of all, it is CLEAN. No graffiti. No trash. No destroyed seats. Nobody is loud. Nobody has their feet up on the seats. So people CAN actually behave normal on the subway?
Japan is a civilized country, the subway is just one of the many signs of that. I very much appreciated the Tokyo subway. It is amazing.

Tokyo subway guide.

You get a card (Suica card) that you add money to, you use this card to get through the gates. Entering and exiting.

Exiting a gate.

The subway cars can get very crowded. You are not supposed to talk on the phone while riding. Put your phone on silence, use the texting function to communicate. Do not listen to music and do not talk loudly with somebody else. Be mindful of others. People on the subwat want to unwind and relax before and after work, listening to somebody else's drama is not relaxing. I totally agree with all of that. Exiting the platform can feel slightly claustrophobic due to the crowds, just relax and go with the flow. Pay attention to what side to stand on the escalators, walk the stairs.
Some cars are designated for women only during morning rush hour. It should be like that everywhere.

This is cute. Don't rush, the trains run frequently.

While riding you get useful information about the weather and other things.

Me having fun riding the subway in Tokyo.

Tokyo Station subway entry.