
Entries from July 2022

Thursday, July 28. 2022

Eastern Bloc Mentality

I just watched a video and read an article on BBC about orphanages in Ukraine where they (the state) put disabled children that are then stuck there until they die basically, some of them live there until they are adults. In misery. This is nothing new. I remember watching specials on TV about this same issue when I still lived in Sweden. Footage of children rocking back and forth clad in soiled diapers and a dirty oversized t-shirt confined to wooden beds. Screaming, crying with nobody paying attention to them. I recall watching footage from Ukraine and Romania. This is a typical Eastern Bloc mentality, stuffing away the disabled in institutions and let them suffer slowly until death. Extremely inhumane but this is how things were done in those countries and still are done. My Mom used to say that she did not see handicapped or mentally ill people in Poland when she lived there. Yea.....cause they were put away somewhere, hidden from society. That's why.
Who is responsible for a child after the child is born? The parents or the state? Abortion is illegal in Poland for example. I do not know what the abortion laws are in other former Eastern Bloc countries. But one would think that these poor suffering children and adults would had been better off aborted than put here to live life like that. That is their reality, their reality every day and night while so many of us are oblivious to the suffering felt by countless of humans in various states of misery all over the world. Is it better to give birth to a child no matter what? Even if the child is severely disabled? Even if you have no intentions to provide that child with love, care, food, attention and your time for as long as you live? Cause you are a parent for as long as you live, that human you decided to create did not ask to be put here on earth. That was your selfish decision to create another life, therefore you are responsible. All the children that suffer in the hands of "parents" that abuse them, molest them, beat them to death - is that quality of life to live that way? I read about those children in the news almost every day. Was it better that they lived their short lives in fear and pain? Or had it been better to abort them as fetuses? Or even better not allowed the scum that produced them to be able to have children in the first place? I believe in prohibiting the right to reproduce for men and women that are unfit to care for a child. How that would be decided and implemented I am not sure but if I was in charge I am sure that I would be able to decide on that pretty quick.
I read that about 1 in 4 of homeless people were in foster care but I actually think it is more. How many abused and neglected children will turn to drugs to cope with the pain, try to self medicate in order to feel better inside for a fleeting moment? How do you expect those children to grow up and be that contributing responsible tax payer that the government wants us to be? Cause in the end that is what we are.......chattel.
I can't stand righteous fake religious folks preaching about God and abortion and forcing others to suffer through unsafe pregnancies, rape and duress due to their narrow minded thinking. If men were the ones carrying a child for about 9 months and were stuck with doing most the parenting the tables would be turned. I can guarantee that. Abortion until the last day of the trimester? No problem. That is if men were the ones facing the burden of pregnancy and child care.
This planet is overpopulated. I don't care what Elon Musk and Nick Cannon have to say on that issue because they are clearly delusional and so are the women that choose to have children with them but no better way than to secure a life in leisure than to reproduce with a wealthy man right? But then again, can you blame the women that pick a wealthy sperm donor? Like that young woman in China said over a decade ago, "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle."
Had I been in charge Elon and Nick would be sterilized already, so not impressed by their attempts to save the planet from underpopulation, according to them. I wish media would stop showing Nick's ugly mug period and the equally dumb looking Instagram thirsty wanna be celeb women that squeeze out his crotch spawns.
The decision to have a child should be the most important decision of your life, also the decision on who to create that child with. But for many it is something that just happens......pregnancy just happens and then you kind of just hope for the best. I think it is safe to say that at least half of the humans that reproduce have no business doing so in the first place.
Whatever. And I have to wonder.....WHO wants to put children onto this planet today anyways? The state of society is rather alarming on many levels. I dislike humanity. I feel truly bad for the innocent.
The children and the animals.
In case you want to read the article, here is the link. Again, this is nothing new. Not much have changed in Ukraine on how they care for children in orphanages since I watched footage on this exact issue as a child myself. If I had Elon's billions the children and the animals would benefit from the money.

Friday, July 8. 2022

Shinzo Abe

Last night I read that Shinzo Abe got shot and I was like this is not happening? Not him? Why? I was hoping he would get care and pull through but no I woke up today to the news that Shinzo Abe passed. Very sad. He had a very sweet, nice and kind demeanor. A kind face and kind eyes, I really liked him. It is terrible what happened.
When he resigned almost two years ago (August 2020) by his own choice due to health reasons I felt that many other world leaders in that position would had not stepped down and instead selfishly held on to their position no matter what. But Mr. Abe was bigger than that, he resigned for the better good of the country and the people he was serving. Truly admirable.
The Japanese people seem above the rest of us in many ways, more evolved somehow.
Since Sapporo (in Japan) is one of Portland's sister cities......and Portland is known as the City of Roses, here are some roses for Shinzo Abe.