Radical Ritual
Today I got emailed the latest "The Jackrabbit Speaks" which is a Burning Man newsletter. The theme for 2017 is decided and got revealed - Radical Ritual.
OF COURSE I am hoping to be there and take part of it but you never know! And today I got my Burning Man 2016 memorabilia done, better late than never, at least I got it done this year. My brother will be sent something similar. So the smaller bottle contains Playa dust, I have collected Playa dust every year I attended. And the larger bottle has the burnt sand with rocks Playa dust that I collected from the area the Man burnt at, with nails that held the Man together. Pretty cool I think!

OF COURSE I am hoping to be there and take part of it but you never know! And today I got my Burning Man 2016 memorabilia done, better late than never, at least I got it done this year. My brother will be sent something similar. So the smaller bottle contains Playa dust, I have collected Playa dust every year I attended. And the larger bottle has the burnt sand with rocks Playa dust that I collected from the area the Man burnt at, with nails that held the Man together. Pretty cool I think!