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Entries from May 2016

Sunday, May 8. 2016


Compassion - can you feel it inside of you, that strong feeling inside your chest? Sometimes emotion run over and you tear up? EVERY day, EVERY single day I get news (if I choose to open my computer that is) of people acting in ways towards other living beings that make my heart hurt. WHY, JUST WHY? Can't you just be miserable on your own? Why inflict pain on others as well?
I feel bad if I step on a flower when hiking, I don't want to intentionally step on an insect either and I still think about a fish that I buried after catching it when I was 9 years old. After realizing what I had done that fish got a funeral and I was sad. What makes us a certain way? How come some inflict so much pain on others and then some feel bad over a fish that got buried decades ago?
This picture CLEARLY shows me how beautiful animals are. I am convinced that they are so much more intelligent and kind than us. I sometimes tell Chhaya that I know she is more evolved than me, it's just that I am not smart enough to understand her. She can take one look at my face and assess the situation. She can probably feel my soul.

Pic borrowed from Rescue Dogs Rock NYC.

And just a reminded that fighting dogs is a crime, in case you did not know yet......I am so for harsher punishment to people that abuse animals in any way.

And on a lighter note. Pumpkin is good for dogs, not sure if cats would benefit from it too? But I give Chaya pumpkin once in a while, I mix it into her food. This one from Sprouts is 100% pure and the can is not lined with BPA. That is important.

Friday, May 6. 2016

Almost Normal

I went to see a band play at the House Of Blues the other night. It's a band from Las Vegas called Almost Normal.
The reason I found out about the concert is because Ashley, the girl in the band told me about it a few days before it was scheduled and since I see Ashley on a fairly regular basis and think she seems pretty cool I decided to go and check her out. I was impressed by their performance! Especially by the synchronized amazing drumming they put on in the beginning and at the end, REALLY good! You can find music and videos by Almost Normal online.
There were some other bands playing afterwards but I decided to leave early and go home.