Animal Rights & Stuff

Entries from September 2012

Thursday, September 13. 2012

Take Action

Tonight I sat home and watched The Cove . It's a documentary about the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. September is when the season for slaughtering the dolphins begins. So it's going on right now - unless people can stop it.

You can sign an online petition

I am not sure if this petition is outdated, the movie was made in 2009. But I still signed it.
You should too, it only takes a minute!
In the documentary you can watch the dolphins get slashed while the ocean is red from their blood.
I would rather beg for money on the street than make a living like that. And dolphin meat is high in mercury, enjoy eating it.
People are disgusting. But what else is new?
And yes, of course I am against dolphins being used at aquariums world wide, like Sea World for example. Even when the excuse is made that we can "learn something" from them. How would you like if somebody caged you up for the reminder of your life and studied you? Ponder that for a minute.

Anyways, I am at home tonight. Thinking about the evil things humans do to animals, the environment and each other. I am glad I don't have kids. I wouldn't want my offspring to grow up in this world.